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Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sarah's Outfit

This little vest and skirt, sewn in a size 2, is for little Sarah.  I made the outfit to match the little brown boots, with cheetah print on the sides, that we gave her for Christmas:

Fortunately, they were a size too big, so I had a bit of time to sew the matching outfit.  But one mustn't wait too long to do such things, because little kiddos grow mighty fast.

The skirt is brown corduroy; the cheetah-print ruffles are a soft knit.  Those ruffles used to be one entire pantleg from a pair of pajamas.  I got them at a Goodwill Store especially for this project.  I'd looked for fabric both online and in local stores, but any cheetah or leopard print, no matter what type of fabric, was quite pricey.  So when I spotted these, I snatched them up quick.  
Today when I prepared to cut into them, though, I hesitated for a moment or two, because they really were nice pjs, and, furthermore, they were just my size.  But cut them I did.  Now there's only one pantleg left, and I'm quite certain it's no longer 'just my size'. 

And anyway, the ruffles are cuter than the pajamas.  


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